# Chapter 6 R examples: library(bayesrules) library(tidyverse) ## Grid Approximation: ## Poisson-Gamma example # Plot of the gamma(3,1) prior pdf: plot_gamma(shape=3,rate=1) # Step 1: Define a grid of 501 lambda values grid_data <- data.frame(lambda_grid = seq(from = 0, to = 15, length = 501)) # Step 2: Evaluate the prior & likelihood at each lambda grid_data <- grid_data %>% mutate(prior = dgamma(lambda_grid, 3, 1), likelihood = dpois(2, lambda_grid) * dpois(8, lambda_grid)) # Step 3: Approximate the posterior grid_data <- grid_data %>% mutate(unnormalized = likelihood * prior, posterior = unnormalized / sum(unnormalized)) # Set the seed (just to match the book in this example, typically you wouldn't do this): set.seed(84735) # Step 4: sample from the discretized posterior post_sample <- sample_n(grid_data, size = 10000, weight = posterior, replace = TRUE) # Histogram of the grid simulation with posterior pdf ggplot(post_sample, aes(x = lambda_grid)) + geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), color = "white") + stat_function(fun = dgamma, args = list(13, 3)) + lims(x = c(0, 15)) # Approximate Posterior summary statistics: mean(post_sample$lambda_grid) # posterior mean median(post_sample$lambda_grid) # posterior median quantile(post_sample$lambda_grid, probs=c(0.025,0.975)) # 95% credible interval, quantile-based library(TeachingDemos) emp.hpd(post_sample$lambda_grid, conf=0.95) # 95% credible interval, HPD #################################################### ##### Example 1, Chapter 6a notes (Birth rate data) #################################################### # Prior parameters: alpha.pri <- 2; beta.pri <- 1 # Summary statistics from data: sum.y1 <- 217; n1 <- 111 sum.y2 <- 66; n2 <- 44 # Sampling from the posterior distribution: theta1.post.draws <- rgamma(10000, shape = alpha.pri + sum.y1, rate = beta.pri + n1) theta2.post.draws <- rgamma(10000, shape = alpha.pri + sum.y2, rate = beta.pri + n2) # Approximating the posterior probability that theta1 > theta2: mean(theta1.post.draws > theta2.post.draws) # Examining the posterior distribution of the ratio theta1 / theta2: my.ratio <- theta1.post.draws / theta2.post.draws plot(density(my.ratio)) # plot of estimated posterior for theta1/theta2 quantile(my.ratio, probs=0.5) # approximate posterior median quantile(my.ratio, probs=c(0.025,0.975) ) # approximate 95% quantile-based interval for theta1/theta2 library(TeachingDemos) emp.hpd(my.ratio, conf=0.95) # approximate 95% HPD interval for theta1/theta2 #################################################### ##### Example 2, Chapter 6a notes (Flu shot data) #################################################### flu.data <- c(1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1) # data for the observed 19 individuals my.y <- sum(flu.data) # count of all "successes" tot.draws <- 10000 # number of sampled values from each full conditional # Initial values for quantities of interest: X.20.init <- 1 theta.init <- 0.5 # Dummy Vectors that will hold values for samples of interest: X.20.vec <- c(X.20.init, rep(NULL, times = tot.draws) ) theta.vec <- c(theta.init, rep(NULL, times = tot.draws) ) for (j in 2:(tot.draws+1) ) { theta.vec[j] <- rbeta(n=1, my.y + X.20.vec[j-1] + 1, 20 - my.y - X.20.vec[j-1] + 1) X.20.vec[j] <- rbinom(n=1, size=1, prob=theta.vec[j]) } # Remove initial values: theta.vec <- theta.vec[-1] X.20.vec <- X.20.vec[-1] # remove first 2000 sampled values as "burn-in": theta.post <- theta.vec[-(1:2000)] X.20.post <- X.20.vec[-(1:2000)] ## Posterior summary for theta: plot(density(theta.post)) # plot of estimated posterior for theta mean(theta.post) # Posterior mean of the other 8000 sampled theta values median(theta.post) # Posterior median of the other 8000 sampled theta values quantile(theta.post, probs=c(0.025,0.975) ) # approximate 95% quantile-based interval for theta emp.hpd(theta.post, conf=0.95) # approximate 95% HPD interval for theta ## NOTE: The observed-data MLE for theta here is: mean(flu.data) # which is biased in this case because it lacks the missing value. ## Posterior summary for the missing data value X.20: mean(X.20.post) # Posterior mean for X.20 var(X.20.post) # Posterior variance for X.20 #################################################### ##### Example 3, Chapter 6a notes (Coal mining data) #################################################### # The data: disasters <- c(4,5,4,1,0,4,3,4,0,6,3,3,4,0,2,6,3,3,5, 4,5,3,1,4,4,1,5,5,3,4,2,5,2,2,3,4,2,1, 3,2,2,1,1,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,3,1,0, 3,2,2,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,2,1,0,0,0, 1,1,0,2,3,3,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,4,2,0,0,0, 1,4,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1) my.alpha <- 4; my.beta <- 1 # hyperparameters for prior on lambda my.gamma <- 1; my.delta <- 2 # hyperparameters for prior on phi ### R function to repeatedly sample values of theta = (lambda,phi,k) using Gibbs sampler: bcp <- function(theta.matrix,y,a,b,g,d) { n <- length(y) k.prob <- rep(0,times=n) for (i in 2:nrow(theta.matrix)) { # Sampling values of lambda from the appropriate gamma distribution: lambda <- rgamma(1,a+sum(y[1:theta.matrix[(i-1),3]]),b+theta.matrix[(i-1),3]) # Sampling values of phi from the appropriate gamma distribution: phi <- rgamma(1,g+sum(y[(theta.matrix[(i-1),3]+1):n]),d+n-theta.matrix[(i-1),3]) for (j in 1:n) { k.prob[j] <- exp(j*(phi-lambda))*(lambda/phi)^sum(y[1:j]) } k.prob <- k.prob/sum(k.prob) k <- sample(1:n,size=1,prob=k.prob) theta.matrix[i,] <- c(lambda,phi,k) # storing the set of parameters for this Gibbs iteration } return(theta.matrix) } #### End of bcp function ### tot.draws <- 2000 # number of sampled values from each full conditional init.param.values <- c(4, 0.5, 55) # initial values for (lambda, phi, k) # just used prior means as initial values... init.theta.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=tot.draws, ncol=3) init.theta.matrix <- rbind(init.param.values,init.theta.matrix) my.Gibbs.samples <- bcp(init.theta.matrix, y=disasters, a=my.alpha, b=my.beta, g=my.gamma, d=my.delta) # remove first 1000 sampled values as "burn-in": my.post <- my.Gibbs.samples[-(1:1000),] # Posterior summaries for lambda, phi, and k: apply(my.post,2,median) # Posterior medians for lambda, phi, and k: cbind(apply(my.post, 2, quantile, probs=0.025), apply(my.post, 2, quantile, probs=0.975) ) # approximate 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles for lambda, phi, and k # to get approximate 95% quantile-based intervals rbind( emp.hpd(my.post[,1], conf=0.95), emp.hpd(my.post[,2], conf=0.95), emp.hpd(my.post[,3], conf=0.95) ) # approximate 95% HPD intervals #################################################### ##### Example 5, Chapter 6a notes (Sparrow data) #################################################### library(mvtnorm) # May need to install the mvtnorm package first? # If so, type at the command line: install.packages("mvtnorm", dependencies=T) # while plugged in to the internet. sparrow.data <- read.table("http://www.stat.sc.edu/~hitchcock/sparrowdata.txt", header=T) y <- sparrow.data[,1] x <- sparrow.data[,2]; xsq <- x^2 X <- cbind(rep(1,times=length(x)), x, xsq) p <- dim(X)[2] # number of columns of matrix X beta.prior.mean <- rep(0, times=p) beta.prior.sd <- rep(10,times=p) proposal.cov.matrix <- var(log(y+1/2))*solve(t(X)%*%X) # should be reasonable in this case: should be close to (sigma^2)*(X'X)^{-1} S <- 10000 beta.current <- rep(0,times=p) # initial value for M-H algorithm acs <- 0 # will be to track "acceptance rate" beta.values <- matrix(0,nrow=S,ncol=p) # will store sampled values of beta vector for (s in 1:S) { beta.proposed <- t(rmvnorm(1, beta.current, proposal.cov.matrix)) log.accept.ratio <- sum(dpois(y,exp(X %*% beta.proposed), log=T)) - sum(dpois(y,exp(X %*% beta.current), log=T)) + sum(dnorm(beta.proposed, beta.prior.mean, beta.prior.sd, log=T)) - sum(dnorm(beta.current, beta.prior.mean, beta.prior.sd, log=T) ) if (log.accept.ratio > log(runif(1)) ) { beta.current <- beta.proposed acs <- acs + 1 } beta.values[s,] <- beta.current } acs/S # gives the acceptance rate acf(beta.values[,1]) # plot autocorrelation values for beta_0 acf(beta.values[,2]) # plot autocorrelation values for beta_1 acf(beta.values[,3]) # plot autocorrelation values for beta_2 # Seems to be an issue with serial dependence. # Thinning out the sampled values by taking every 10th row: beta.values.thin <- beta.values[10*(1:(S/10) ),] # Looks much better... ### Posterior summary: apply(beta.values.thin,2,median) # Posterior medians for each regression coefficent cbind(apply(beta.values.thin, 2, quantile, probs=0.025), apply(beta.values.thin, 2, quantile, probs=0.975) ) # approximate 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles for each regression coefficent # to get approximate 95% quantile-based intervals rbind( emp.hpd(beta.values.thin[,1], conf=0.95), emp.hpd(beta.values.thin[,2], conf=0.95), emp.hpd(beta.values.thin[,3], conf=0.95) ) # approximate 95% HPD intervals # Plots of posterior median for expected offspring for ages 1,2,3,4,5,6: my.X <- cbind( rep(1,times=6), (1:6), (1:6)^2 ) y.hats <- exp( my.X %*% as.matrix( apply(beta.values.thin,2,median), ncol=1 ) ) plot( (1:6), y.hats, type='b', xlab='age', ylab='expected offspring') # Trace plots for the sampled beta_0 and beta_1 values: plot(beta.values.thin[,1], type='l') plot(beta.values.thin[,2], type='l') # Geweke diagnostic for checking convergence of an MCMC chain: # This gives a z-statistic that compares the mean values of # (by default) the first 10% of the chain vs. the last 50% of the chain: library(coda) geweke.diag(beta.values.thin[,1]) # P-value associated with the Geweke diagnostic: # (a small p-value indicates a LACK of convergence): 2*pnorm(abs(geweke.diag(beta.values.thin[,1])[[1]]),lower=F)