program h2 cccccccc This program is an example of something you cccccccc could attach the ran2 function at the end of. cccccccc It will write some random nubmers on the screen cccccccc and then write some other stuff to the file cccccccc 'h2example.txt'. cccccccc The ran2 subroutine may not work in the free-form cccccccc mode, depending on how the comments and cccccccc continuation lines are used. cccccccc NOTE: This code doesn't do the homework for you, cccccccc it's just an example! integer seed real x integer i seed=-235 do 1000 i=1,5 x=ran2(seed) write(*,*) x 1000 continue open(unit=15,file="h2example.txt") do 1010 i=1,4 write(15,*) i**5+1 1010 continue close(15) stop end cccccccc Attach code for ran2 here.